Dusty Rene': Less is More

Here we are again. I know this is supposed to be a blog about weight loss, and I promise I’ll get to that soon. There is just so much other stuff going on in my life right now, it’s hard to focus.


I’ve never really considered myself a push over. But I do find myself feeling like a doormat every now and then. Okay, more than every now and then. I don’t know if it’s just because I expect the best out of people and keep getting the worst…or maybe I just forgive and forget too easily. Possibly I’m just completely naïve and don’t learn from my past mistakes. Maybe it’s because I’ve been hurt so much in my life, I try my best not to hurt other people (I said try, I know I have hurt some people near and dear to my heart). Regardless, I seem to constantly be picking myself up and dusting off the footprints of the last person I trusted, loved and tried to help.


That being said, here is what I need help with. How do you find that balance between being a b**ch and being a doormat? I seem to have two extremes. I can’t find that happy medium. Or…maybe I have found it and I just beat myself up so much about not doing everything I can for everyone who asks that I think I’m being a b**ch? I don’t know. I’m just really overwhelmed right now and ready for a huge change in my life. I’m moving forward and not going back. Enough of this endless cycle that I keep going through over and over. Change is only effective if you keep it in place. I have to move forward. I am in control of my own happiness, my own success, my own destiny. Can you tell I’m trying to psych myself up?


Don’t get me wrong. I know that God is ultimately in charge. That’s another change I need to make too. So many times I have this big ole “There is nobody here for me, nobody I can depend on” pity party. When I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is always there. Even when I tell myself I don’t deserve it. I want to learn to lean on Him instead of trying to rely on myself. I’ve let myself down too much.


Anyway, I know I’m rambling. For those of you that are still reading, thank you. Today is the second anniversary of my dad’s death. So it’s hard for me. For those of you who don’t know, he was killed in a motorcycle accident. A lady pulled out in front of him, it was her fault and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He was killed instantly. I’ve heard all the same lines over and over. I’m sorry. He’s in a better place. It will get easier. I appreciate the positive thoughts, and I’ve even said them myself to someone who is grieving. But it’s not okay. I know he’s in a better place, but why can’t he be with me? It WILL NOT get easier. I think about it less now, and sometimes feel guilty about it. But every time I do think about it, that same pain is still there. It doesn’t hurt any less. It doesn’t feel any better. He’s still not here. It’s just as hard to think about, to live with. He was my heart.


I guess that’s enough for now. Sorry to be so long winded, I just have a lot on my mind right now. I better get back to it.


Wait…what’s that? Do you see that laying over there? Is it…no…really? It’s my backbone! I’ve finally found it again! I’ve got a lot of standing up for myself to do, I’ll talk to y’all later!




Hello my loyal readers, it’s been a while. I’m still hanging in there. I weighed in the first week of our Biggest Loser Competition and had lost half a pound. Not what I was hoping for, but its progress, right? So I weighed in the second week and had gained a pound and a half. *sigh* I really think it was just a bad day for me. So, hopefully when I weigh in on Monday I will have made more progress. I am still not exercising like I need to. If I can get my rear in gear in that department, I’m sure things will go better.

In other news, Nacogdoches has a new frozen yogurt place, and its greatness! Most of their flavors are fat free, and they have all those live cultures that are so good for you. It’s called Chilly Fillmore’s, and if you’re ever in Nac you should definitely check it out. They have tons of flavors and even more toppings. Everything from hot fudge to sprinkles to Pop Tarts, Captain Crunch and peanut butter and jelly sandwich squares. Yes, I know. It sounds weird, but it’s totally awesome. That’s my shameless plug for the evening. I can’t wait to take the kiddos there next weekend. They are going to love it!

Other than that, life is still going on like normal. I am still hating this commute back and forth to work. Especially since I have to work so late now. But, at least I have a job, right? It’ll be much better when we move. So send all of your prayers/good thoughts our way and hopefully something will open up sooner rather than later.

Have I told y’all about Rico? He is our Chihuahua and is a complete, totally rotten, 1.5 pound mess. He has turned my husband into a dog lover in the few short weeks we have had him. I’ll tell you more about him in my next post. Until then, keep it chilly!

I’m a little disappointed in myself at this point. I have not exercised at all. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I’m hoping that weighing in on Tuesday for our Biggest Loser Competition will motivate me. Honestly, I’m so tired of typing the words motivate and determined. Let’s not use them any more.

It’s been a rough couple of days at home and at work. I have a 40 mile commute each way and it’s wearing on me. I’ve done this for almost a year now, and you’d think I would be used to it. But by the time I finally get home after my 10+ hours, I’m exhausted. I’m happy to say I still have not had a Dr. Pepper or sweet tea. My husband says he can tell that I’ve lost some already. I have no clue because I haven’t gotten batteries for my scale yet.

Hopefully a move to Nac is right around the corner, so that I will have those 2 hours back, the time I usually spend driving. I don’t know if that will make a difference or not honestly. It’s probably just another excuse that I’ve convinced myself is valid. We’ll see.

One day I will really run out of excuses and will get off my a$$ to make something of myself.

Until next time, keep on truckin’.

Not even a week and I fell off the wagon. But, I’m not too discouraged. I did eat some things that I shouldn’t have today. I did refuse to get out of bed when my hubby tried to get me up to go walk this morning. However, I still have not had sweet tea or Dr. Pepper, or any other sugary beverage. All is not lost.

As I’ve been saying, tomorrow is another day. I’m determined not to be discouraged. So, here’s to shaking it off and moving on.

In other news, my youngest daughter Madison’s softball team is still undefeated. Go Swat! This means I get to spend even more time at even more softball fields smelling even more cheese and chili covered goodness. Not to mention the sno cones that are so great on a hot day. I’ve only had one order of cheese fries (my ball field weakness) this season, and that was before I started my “diet.” I think I’ll probably have to treat myself to just one more before the season is over. That’s much better than my usual 2 or 3 a week, right? J

Blayke had is last 7th grade band concert tonight. I had to miss it because of work. L I am so proud of him. He’s stuck with band and is doing great. Although the percussion was not my first choice of band instrument for my kids…he is awesome at it. He also played football this year and loved it. I’m looking forward to next football season already.

Mykaela is great too. She is playing softball as well. Her team has only had two practices and is not doing too well in the rankings. I’m super proud of her though. She is hanging in there and still loves playing. I’m hoping that she gets a great team/coach next year so that she can really show off her skills.

Oh yeah, I FINALLY changed my name on my social security card today. Almost 6 months after our wedding I am not officially Mrs. Larry Wade III. Well, I already was, but you know what I mean. I love that man. ❤

Tomorrow I’m walking. I promise. Someone hold me to it, lol. On that note, I’ll say goodnight. I’ve got a wagon to catch!

Today has been the hardest day for me. Maybe I’m just moody from lack of caffeine. I’ve been drinking water and Fresca since Monday. I know there are plenty of diet sodas out there and artificial sweeteners for tea. But I have to do all or nothing.  Drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper is just going to make me want a Dr. Pepper that much worse. Drinking tea with Splenda is going to boost my craving for the real thing. So…water and Fresca, water and Fresca, water and Fresca. *sigh* Today I’ve only had water. I know the Fresca has sodium in it that I don’t really need.

On a happier note, I have already noticed less swelling in my leg. I was in a wreck almost two years ago and had soft tissue/nerve damage in my left leg. It has bothered me ever since then. Sometimes not too bad, sometimes so bad that I can barely walk. It was really bad at the end of April when we were getting ready for my sister’s wedding. That’s another motivator for my weight loss. I don’t want cankles. Even if it is from an injury…looking at me you would think it’s just from being fat. :-/

I need to get batteries for my scale. I know “they” say, whoever “they” is, not to weigh yourself constantly. But that works for me. Weighing every morning keeps me motivated to eat right and drink more water throughout the day. I know once I see those first couple of pounds come off, the ball will really start rolling.

I did walk today. Although it was only for about 15 minutes. I walked Madison to school. She is always asking me to and I always come up with some excuse not to. I even stayed on the side of the road with hills, as opposed to the level sidewalk on the other side. 🙂 So, that’s a start. Tomorrow I’m determined to get up super early and walk for at least 30 minutes at the track.

Now, for a goal. My new immediate goal is to be able to walk to Madison’s school and walk back without pain. Today my back and shin were both hurting after the short walk. I guess it could be from the hills. Anyhow, that’s where I am now. First the walk to Madison’s school and back, then who knows?

Baby steps. They work for babies…why not for me?

D Day

Posted on: May 25, 2011

Well, yesterday was it. D day. D for diet. I’ve cut out sweet tea – my biggest weakness, and sodas. I’m trying to eat healthier but mostly sticking to smaller portions of my normal foods right now. That’s how I lost 70+ pounds before. So hopefully it’ll work this time.

I haven’t started exercising yet. Walking is on my to do list for tomorrow. Someone text me and tell me to get off my butt! It’s so hard for me to get up and do anything when I know I have to work that evening.

I weighed in at work today for our Biggest Loser Competition. It’s the first time I’ve stepped on a scale in quite a while. I was happy to see that I haven’t gained back all the weight I lost. So I don’t have as far to go as I thought. But it’s still a long road. I’m hoping that a year from now I’ll be typing to tell y’all I’ve reached my final goal. 🙂

Yesterday was it. D day. D for determined. I’m taking back my life, I’m going to be me again. D for dedicated. D for desperate. But most of all, D for Dusty. A woman who is going to look at herself in the mirror with pride. A woman who is going to read this a year from now and smile at how far she has come. A mother. A wife. A sister. A daughter. A friend. I will be me again.

~ Dusty Rene’


So, I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while. Since I finally have a semi-interesting topic, here goes.

I’ll start with the who, what and why. My name is Dusty. I’m 30 years old, a mother of 3, wife of 1 and work full time at a call center. I plan on using this blog to primarily chronicle my weight loss journey. My reasoning tells me that this will help me be more accountable and stick to what I need to do diet and exercise wise. We’ll see. That being said, I’ll probably ramble about other day to day goings on as well. All the while trying to hone my writing skills which have, outside of daily Facebook status updates and work emails, lain dormant for quiet sometime.

Tomorrow starts my weight loss journey…and it’s going to be a rough one. So for now, I’ll say goodnight. I’m off to have one last midnight snack before the biggest lifestyle change ever. Wish me luck!

~Dusty Rene’


  • None
  • Kayla: You can do it Dusty!
  • Barb: Way to go Dusty! I'm so proud of you and love you very much! Mom B.
  • Kayla: You go girl!

